
The writing process with Dan O'Neill

In this video, I have a conversation with Dan O'Neill about the pains and gains of the writing process.

Dan is a prolific writer, his last work was published in the journal Nature Sustainability. To visualise and compare the environmental and social performance of nations relative to a “safe and just” development space visit the interactive website created for his latest paper.

Dan received his Ph.D. five years ago from the University of Leeds where he is now a lecturer. In the video, I ask Dan why and how he writes - what he finds challenging, when is he satisfied with his work, and what he has improved since finishing his PhD.

Dan shares with us some of his experiences and frustrations and provides tips on processes that have worked for him and may also work for others.


What did you learn from the video? Leave your comments below! I will be sure to share your thoughts with Dan.

Post by Dan O'Neill

Dan O'Neill is a Lecturer in Environmental and Ecological Economics at the University of Leeds. He is the leader of the Economics and Policy for Sustainability Research Group. His research focuses on the changes that would be needed to achieve a sustainable economy within planetary boundaries, and the relationships between resource use and human well-being.

In future posts I will give more tips for defining the purpose of your paper, coming up with strong questions, and opening the paper forcefully.

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